By Anna Lehr Mueser, Public Relations Manager

We’re now 18 days into our building renovations, with the entire east wing of our visitor center closed off.  On the first day, a wall went up to keep noise and dust down.  Behind that wall, floors and bathrooms are being replaced, some classrooms renovated while others refreshed, windows updated with more energy-efficient versions, and the antique HVAC replaced.

So here, six things we’re looking forward to about the new spaces:

  1. Elisabeth, our public programs manager, is looking forward to the new aesthetic, with modern colors and an auditorium scaled up for big events like our James Lecture.
  2. So is Daphne, the program coordinator for Nature Rx. She says she’s interested to see new designs and styles at play in the familiar spaces.
  3. Nicole, lead teacher in the Sycamore Nature Preschool classroom, is looking forward to watching the children re-discover the space when the renovations are over and the preschool classes can move back into their usual rooms.
  4. It’s the pragmatic elements for Gail, our director of education. She’s excited for updated bathrooms and a new HVAC system, this one updated, modern, and using electricity generated by Pennsylvania wind power.  But, she’s also looking forward to seeing the new colors.
  5. Like Gail, Sean, our land and facilities manager, says he’s looking forward to the new heating system. But he’s also ready to see the east wing spruced up and with a nicer look.
  6. For Beatrice, our registrar, the auditorium is also a draw. With the 1960s speakers and old baseboard removed, a new floor, and freshly painted walls, not to mention updated lighting, the auditorium will be a great space.
  7. Denise, who handles our site rentals (everything from corporate retreats to plots in our community gardens), is looking forward to the kitchen updates.

All in all, lots going on behind that wall.  We’re all excited to see what it will look like when the wall comes down in the spring.