Richard L. James Lecture

Richard L. James Lecture

In 2012, the Schuylkill Center established the annual Richard L. James Lecture in memory of founding executive director Dick James.

Dick was the charismatic educator, writer, and radio personality that led the organization from 1965 until his retirement in 1996. He pioneered many initiatives, like offering the first environmental education workshop for teachers in Philadelphia. This annual lecture is intended to keep that innovative spirit alive by noting the next new thing we do in the community.

The Richard James Lecture brings leading environmental voices to the Center to discuss cutting-edge environmental issues.

  • Past Lectures

    A man speaking at a podium with a power point presentation on display to the side of him titled Roxborough Green Preserving Open Space.

    2022 – The American Chestnut: Restoring the “Perfect Tree”
    Sara Fern Fitzsimmons

    2021 – Braiding Phragmites
    Yaroub Al-Obaidi and Sarah Kavage

    2020 – Roxborough Green: Preserving Open Space
    James Harry Calamia, Kay Sykora, Celeste Hardester, Matt Wysong

    2019 – Environmental Justice in Pennsylvania: A New Vision
    Allison Acevedo

    2018 – Water: Peril and Promise
    José Almiñana, David Arscott, Debra McCarty, Jame McCray, Aaliyah Green Ross, Maurice Sampson

    2017 – The Circuit: The History and Future of America’s Best Regional Trail System
    Bob Thomas

    2016 – A Climate-Ready City
    Sarah Wu, Saleem Chapman, Raluca Ellis, David Masur, Pouné Saberi

    2015 – Environmental Art for a Changing Planet
    Mary Mattingly

    2014 – Nature Prescription
    Michael Suk, MD JD MPH FACS

    2013 – Go Outside & Play! Restoring the Nature of Childhood
    Kenneth Finch

    2012 – Bringing Nature Home
    Doug Tallamy, PhD

Richard James (second from right) birdwatching, courtesy of James family album.