Planned Giving

Leave a Legacy of Conservation

Let your legacy be a legacy of conservation and caring concern for our natural environment.

You can help to protect the largest privately held Open Space within Philadelphia city limits and ensure that future generations of Philadelphians grow up with an understanding and love of nature. It’s as easy as listing The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education as a beneficiary of your bequest, retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy.

To designate a specific dollar amount, a particular asset or a fixed percentage of your estate supports the Schuylkill Center, talk to your lawyer or planned giving advisor about adding the following language to your last will and testament:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education (Philadelphia, PA), the sum of $________(or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education and its general purposes.”


Contact Patricia Boyle, Development Assistant, at (215) 482-7300 or [email protected]