Growing a Bumper Crop of Butterflies

By Mike Weilbacher, Executive Director I love it when a plan works: walking up the back steps at my home this week, I glanced at the large pots where we keep our kitchen garden. What caught my eye was a bump on the end of a sprig of dill:  a hunchbacked but handsomely striped insect, the unmistakable caterpillar of the black swallowtail, one of our largest, most striking butterflies. But wait!  A smaller lump below the caterpillar on another leaf was actually a second one.  Then I spotted a third.  Wait, there are six. No ten.  Omigosh: I am the…

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Welcome to Our Blog!

Hello friends of nature and conservation! Welcome to the brand new blog for The Schuylkill Center. Here we hope to educate, entertain and inform you with posts about environmental science, our local 'green' community here in Philadelphia, eco-art, workshop opportunities, and more! Subscribe today to be the first to read our inaugural post - coming soon! In the meantime, stay up to date with us on our website ( -The Schuylkill Center Staff

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