Category: Children Need Nature

Redefining School

by Nicole Brin, Assistant Director of Early Childhood Education Preface: The past 7 years teaching young children have taught me more about myself, our education system, and human nature as a whole than I could ever have imagined when starting out. The most recent 4 years spent teaching with the Schuylkill Center Nature Preschool have broadened my views of what is possible in the world of education and led me to the next step in my professional journey. As I move out of the classroom and into the role of Assistant Director of Early Childhood Education, I hope to learn, share, and…

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Prescribing Nature in Philadelphia

By Aaliyah Green Ross, Director of Education Dr. Chris Renjilian, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) pediatrician, sees nature and play as essential parts of his primary care practice. But he worries that his guidance isn’t always enough. NaturePHL is about to change that. With NaturePHL, pediatricians like Dr. Renjilian will be prescribing nature to children across the city. This summer marks the official launch of NaturePHL, a collaborative program that helps Philadelphia children and families achieve better health through outdoor activity. It’s a collaborative involving four core partners - the Schuylkill Center, CHOP, Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, and the United…

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Nature: Fostering children’s social interactions

By Rachel Baltuch, Nature Preschool Teacher Children Need Nature is a monthly blog column from our nature preschool program. Read more posts here. While researching the effects of unstructured play time in nature for young children, I discovered that the benefits are vast and encompass most aspects of children’s development. Play time in nature tends to affect children’s cognitive development, which includes intellectual learning, problem solving skills, and creative inquiry, and can lead to increased concentration, greater attention capacities and higher academic performance.[1]  These children also demonstrate “more advanced motor fitness, including coordination, balance and agility, and they are sick less often.[2] Additionally,…

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Children Need Nature: An Emergent Curriculum Study

By Kristina Eaddy, Sweet Gum Classroom Lead Teacher Children Need Nature is a monthly blog column from our Nature Preschool program. Read more posts here. Why do leaves change colors? What is under the frozen ice? And where do birds go during the winter? These are questions we hear every day, as Nature Preschool teachers. Young children’s minds are full of wonders and questions, trying to learn about, connect with, and understand the world they are surrounded by. At Nature Preschool, we nurture this natural curiosity in young children by following the emergent curriculum approach. The goal of an emergent curriculum is…

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Children Need Nature: Teaching Peace

By Rebecca Dhondt, Sassafras Classroom Lead Teacher Children Need Nature is a monthly blog column from our Nature Preschool program. Read more posts here. This time of year tends to be full of excitement and energy.  With so much baking, decorating, and visiting going on there are many stories that Nature Preschoolers are eager to share.  Children naturally begin to compare notes, trying to understand what is happening in their own homes and wondering about the ways others might celebrate teachers in the Sassafras room heard exclamations such as: “I have a Christmas tree too!”, “What is an Elf on the Shelf?”…

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Children Need Nature: Getting Ready for Kindergarten

By Shannon Wise, Nature Preschool Manager Children Need Nature is a monthly blog column from our Nature Preschool program. Read more posts here. If you walk along the trails with a Nature Preschool class, you might think you are just out for a breath of fresh air, to run and let go of some extra energy. Yes – it is that and so much more. You might notice children gathering leaves, counting as they go. Their teacher furthers the experience as she takes out four-colored pieces of construction paper to allow the children to sort by shades of fall. Soon, the children…

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Children Need Nature: What is a Nature Preschooler?

By Nicole Brin, Sycamore Classroom Lead Teacher Children Need Nature is a monthly blog column from our Nature Preschool program. Read more posts here. A Nature Preschooler is a 3-, 4-, or 5-year-old child who is part of a program which uses the natural world as the primary context for learning. They develop the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical skills needed for Kindergarten while immersed in daily outdoor experiences. But a Nature Preschooler is more than that... A Nature Preschooler is curious. Learning the value in discovering answers for themselves. Studying the movement of a snail up close, wondering why some leaves turn…

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Children Need Nature: Cultivating Connections at Nature Preschool

By Shannon Wise, Nature Preschool Manager Children Need Nature is a monthly blog column from our Nature Preschool program. Read more posts here. At Nature Preschool, the foundation of community is vital to building a positive learning experience for the children. We value the relationships among families, children, and school. We invite our families and friends (from Schuylkill Center, Kinder Academy, and neighboring schools) throughout the year to share their talents, read stories, or participate in art activities to strengthen the bond and build comfort and trust among all of us. This spring, our preschoolers enjoyed many visits to meet new brothers…

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Children Need Nature: Nature Preschool Bread and Soup Night

By Shannon Wise, Nature Preschool Manager The winter is a time when many families cozy up indoors and enjoy quality time with one another. At the Nature Preschool, of course, we still venture out onto the with the children each day, asking questions and exploring the winter environment. This winter, the children from the Sweet Gums, Sycamores, and Sassafras rooms all wondered, “What do animals do to adapt?” This has been a common topic of interest at this time of the year and we were especially excited to build off of this for our main winter family event, Bread and…

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Day of Service and Reunion at Nature Preschool

By Shannon Wise, Nature Preschool Manager At Nature Preschool, support the connection among parents, teachers, and the Schuylkill Center as a whole.  Preschool is often an early opportunity for parents to make connections with other families over shared values and interests.  It is our goal to strengthen and foster these relationships through families’ time at the Schuylkill Center.  In our first year running the Nature Preschool program, we hosted a day of service on Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Last year, we invited past preschool families to the Center for a reunion in the spring. Both events were great experiences…

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