Category: wood

The Healing Power of White Pine

[caption id="attachment_273814" align="aligncenter" width="690"] The white pine in winter, one of the few sources of green in our wintry world.[/caption] This deep in a surprisingly cold and snowy winter, you, like me, might be jonesing for some greenery, as winter’s bleakness can be a little depressing. I have just the antidote: get thee to the Pine Grove, an island of green in an ocean of winter’s browns and grays.  One of our visitors’ favorite sites on the Center’s 340 acres, the grove is oddly not a natural phenomenon at all, but instead an artificial plantation of white pines planted in…

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Photographing faces in the forest

When I go for a nature walk in a local forest, I see trees, birds, flowers, deer. Not photographer Willard Terry. When he goes for a walk — which he does a lot — he sees faces, lots of faces, incredible faces. Gnomes, ghosts, demons, animals, dinosaurs, people, aliens, all staring at him from tree trunks, tree roots, broken branches, gnarly bark, rock walls, even fence posts and barn siding. Amazingly, once you start looking for them, there are faces everywhere. And Terry has been photographing them. He just published a book, “Pareidolia: Spirits and Faces of the Wissahickon and Schuylkill Valleys,”…

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The Art of Wood Bending

By Carolyn Hesse Carolyn Hesse is a resident artist part of our summer gallery, Wet Lab, a space for artists and Schuylkill Center visitors to explore and reflect on water in a dynamic environment.   For most artists, success is predicated on having enough time to work creatively. This is true for me as well. Having time to make mistakes—and grow from them—is what drives every endeavor and can be what makes or breaks the spirit. So, to be given the gift of time at the Schuylkill Center was like a jewel that emits light at every angle; a non-objective based chunk…

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