childrenneednature-01By Shannon Dryden, Preschool Manager and Lead Teacher

When people think of school and what children learn, it’s important to remember it’s not just reading, writing and arithmetic.  Particularly in preschool, building social skills is key.  At the Schuylkill Center Nature Preschool, the children have demonstrated how much they have learned about kindness, cooperation, relationships, and compassion.  Throughout the year, we have built a community of trust and love between children, adults, and nature.  This week, we celebrated all the kind acts of our children with a kindness week.  The focus of our kindness week was aimed at spreading this feeling to our parents, families, friends, older Philadelphia School peers, our environment, and Schuylkill Center staff.  Take a look at the pictures of Nature preschool creating kindness clips, collecting trash, invasive plant pulling, creating art for their friends, designing rock paper weights for Schuylkill Center staff, and sharing one of their favorite places, Founder’s Grove, with The Philadelphia School.

Children Need Nature is a monthly blog column from our Nature Preschool program. Read more posts here.