This winter we had a blast with the Nature in the City photo contest.  Dozens of pictures were submitted, from Philadelphia’s skyline, framed by dried coneflowers in a field, and the glory of those late-seasons now storms.  It was quite a challenge to choose the winners.  Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo.


Hard & Soft, Richele C. Dillard


Taken in the East Oak Lane section of Philadelphia, Richele Dillard’s photograph captures the intimate level at which winter can interact with the world around us. Not even these fuzzy, spent wildflower heads could escape the clutches of winter’s icy grip, remaining frozen in time until warmer temperatures could release them. The plump drip of melted water exposes the flower once more and gives hope that new life and growth will emerge soon.  Richele notes,  I find “ice melting around spent flower heads to be both beautiful & challenging.”

Emily Soloby

Emily Soloby

Emily wrote of this photo, “Sometimes, deep in South Philly, the only place to find nature is to look up.”  Even in seemingly the most constructed environments, there is always nature to be  found, and even the most commonplace sighting of birds on a power line and street trees presents an opportunity to connect with nature.  The composition of this photo is impeccable – from the symmetry of the geometric playground, powerlines, and streets; to the richness of color and the balance between the reds of the sweater, car, and awning; to the sense of having captured an everyday moment made extraordinary.

Kathleen Elizabeth Stull


Taken at the Reading Viaduct Project, this photograph remarkably captures the intersection of city and nature.  The bright white of the graffiti is beautifully complements the gold of the grass.  The organic shapes of the grass are in turn, contrasted by the sharp lines of both bricks and graffiti behind them.  We were particularly drawn to how the photograph shows nature emerging within the city.
