Member Outdoor Gear Library

Member Outdoor Gear Library

Instead of buying or renting outdoor recreational equipment, why not borrow it from us? As part of your membership, borrow our bird-watching kits, hammocks, snowshoes, child backpack carrier, canoes, camping tents, and more for one week, free of charge! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does it work?

    1. Become a member at the family level or above.

    2. Reserve your equipment at least 72 hours in advance by following this link.

    3. Wait for a friendly staff member to contact you within 72-hours to confirm your request.

    4. Receive email confirmation with pick-up date, read, sign, and email back required paperwork before arriving at the Center:

    Policy and Liability Waiver: Here
    Gear Risk Warning: Here
    Gear Fee List: Here

    5. Confirm the pick-up date and pick-up window (2-hour windows available during Center hours) with the staff member.

    6. Arrive at the Center on your pick-up day and fill out the Gear Borrowing Agreement. This includes consent that you have read and agree with the forms in the email sent to you with confirmation of your pick-up date and time.

    7. Pick up the equipment you reserved and have fun!

    8. Bring the equipment back, in the same condition in which you borrowed it, no more than a week later before 4pm.

    9. Post pictures of your adventure and tell your friends about it. Remember to tag Schuylkill Center when posting your pictures on social media. #schuylkillcenter

  • Why do you lend your equipment?

    We offer this unique benefit to our members for three main reasons:

      • We believe everyone deserves a chance to get outside and experience nature.

      • We love helping people have positive outdoor experiences and want to make it easy for you.

    We provide our equipment borrowing program to encourage the use of shared resources in our community to help limit consumption.

  • What can I borrow?

      • Child Carrier Backpack

      • Bird-watching Kits (Binoculars, Field Guide, Bird Song Identifier, Waistpack)

      • Hammock Kits

      • Snowshoe Kits (Available in Adult, Child, and Toddler sizes)

      • Camping Tent

    Looking for something else?  Email us at [email protected] with your request, and we will do our best to get that equipment added to our library in the future.

  • How much can I borrow with my Membership?

    Members can borrow up to four items/kits at one time.

    For more information, tips, and resources about specific types of equipment, please reference General Tips for Gear Borrowing Library: HERE

  • When can I borrow equipment?

    You can come in to borrow or return equipment during public hours at the Schuylkill Center’s Visitor Center (9am-5pm, Monday through Saturday). Please make sure to come in at least an hour before we close to give us enough time to process the reservation.

    Please reserve gear well in advance, as some equipment may be unavailable when in use by fellow members.

  • how do I care for the gear?

    #1. You must dry out the gear before returning
    Whether or not it rained, all borrowed gear must have the opportunity to dry out for at least 24
    hours, as soon as you get home. The human body releases water vapor as you breath and sweat
    which can accumulate inside sleeping bags, hammocks, child carriers and in tents. Bacteria will
    thrive in dark, wet conditions like those inside of a stuff sack. Gear with mildew on it is ruined
    and cannot be used again. To avoid replacement fees, simply set out the gear to dry in the sun, as
    soon as you get home, for a day or so.

    #2. If the gear is dirty, please clean it.
    Assess the dirty area and refer to the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.

    #3. Never force anything.
    If you find yourself having to use force on something to get it set up, you’re setting it up
    improperly. Stop what you’re doing. Take a few steps back and think about how it could work

    #4. Be careful with zippers
    They should run smoothly without requiring much force. If they don’t, the zipper is stuck on
    something. Carefully examine the problem and try to fix it gently.

    #5. Keep all the parts together.
    Gear is lent out in a manner that is efficient for the borrower. Items grouped together, such as
    the tent, poles, rain fly and stuff bags should be returned the same way it was lent out (after
    you dry it out, of course). Store everything where it’s supposed to go so that the next borrower
    can have peace of mind with the gear.

    #6. If you’re unfamiliar with how to use the equipment, ask.
    We want you to be comfortable using our gear and we want our gear to be returned in the same
    condition. If you are unsure of how to set up a tent or how to use the child carrier, ask us, we are
    happy to help!

    #7. Lastly, share your stories and memories.
    We would love to see your adventures! When you post on your social media, we would love for
    you to tag us at #schuylkillcenter

  • Interested in borrowing gear but don’t currently have the resources to join as a member?

    We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience the outdoors in a fun and meaningful way. Don’t hesitate to contact the Development Department at [email protected] or 215.853.6268 to discuss options that work for you.