Tag: art

Making Room for Rain – Stacy Levy

The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education is working to investigate the intersection of nature and the city. The role of rain in the landscape is being actively explored in programs and planning around its buildings. As a nature center, SCEE is at the forefront of solving site issues through art based intervention. On May 31, 2013 a conference on New Environmental Art will be held at SCEE to look at ways that art and science can collaborate to solve ecological problems in urban nature, and enlighten citizens to find new solutions in their own lives. Rain is usually given a…

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‘Facts and Fables: Stories of the Natural World’ Art Exhibit Explores Our Experiences with Nature

[caption id="attachment_43" align="alignleft" width="300"] Opening Reception: June 25th 4pm-7pm[/caption] "In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught. " - Baba Dioum    Stories normalize the strange and explain the confounding. Our relationship with the environment is in a state of constant flux, and as an environmental education center, we are always updating how and what we teach about the natural world.  As our ways of seeing the world develop, the stories we believe in evolve and expand. Our relationship to our stories is tenuous,…

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