Tag: butterflies

Thinking Like A Butterfly

By Mike Weilbacher It’s high summer, which brings with it erratic weather patterns, fierce storms, rising tides, raging stormwater pouring through our communities, and other climate change concerns. As someone who worries about climate change, I have stumbled upon a powerful way to change the world. We need to think like butterflies. Consider the butterfly–born as a humble, often ugly caterpillar. A living weed-whacker, caterpillars plow through living plants, mercilessly devouring leaves, hell-bent on defoliation. Tent caterpillars ravage the Schuylkill Center’s cherry trees every spring; gypsy moths ravage whole landscapes. Last year, I planted a stand of dill to attract…

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A group of children, one holding a net, look into a pond.

A Silent Fall: Vanishing Monarchs

[caption id="attachment_364" align="alignleft" width="329"] A Monarch dries its wings after emerging from its chrysalis in our front garden. (Schuylkill Center, 2013)[/caption] By Mike Weilbacher, Executive Director The new fall season brings a chain of wonderful events: trees turning color, birds migrating south, goldenrod fields bursting in bloom. But one of my favorite fall phenomena is sadly and strangely absent this year. There are almost no Monarch butterflies afoot these days.  All summer, I’ve seen only three at the Schuylkill Center.  And my compatriots at other centers like Bowman’s Hill in New Hope and Peace Valley in Doylestown report the same…

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