Tag: eve mosher

Beyond the Surface

On May 31, 2013 The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education presented Beyond the Surface: Environmental Art in Action - A conference of ideas and innovative thinking about the relationships between art and nature. This unique, first time conference brought over 100 professionals from the region and beyond (as far as Maine and North Carolina) to hear from the Advisory Team about their own individual practices, and then to join them in conversations.  Below are each team members’ presentations, for those of you who wish to hear from them directly. The afternoon sessions were  titled “Activate,” Integrate” and “Engage.” Undoubtedly, this one-day conference has…

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Below is the information about our upcoming conference, a large part of this planning project. Online registration is available here! Beyond the Surface: Environmental Art in Action Hosted by the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education May 31, 2013 [caption id="attachment_803" align="alignleft" width="260"] Stacy Levy, Pier 53[/caption] Join us for a day of ideas and innovative thinking, investigating relationships between art and nature.     Conference Description How can environmental art engage the environment and the individual, activate awareness, and integrate perspectives that result in unexpected and innovative approaches to environmental literacy? While the natural world has captured the imagination of artists for…

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Art/ist Roles

By Eve Mosher October 29th, Hurricane Sandy made landfall. The eye of the storm passed over New Jersey but the hurricane winds, and worse, a massive storm surge hit New York City. The storm surge, combined with high tides and sea level rise created a superstorm that sent waters rushing into the coastal areas of New York. As images of the floods began to circulate, I got a sense of eerie familiarity. The debris line near the 14th street power station (where an explosion knocked out power for lower Manhattan for almost a week), the flooded Battery Tunnel entrance in…

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