Tag: nature

Find Nature – Philadelphia: Guest Post from Lauren Ferri

By Lauren Ferri, posted from Finding Nature Philadelphia Growing up in the suburbs of New York, I had a huge yard with plenty of space to roam and explore. I remember playing outdoors for hours as a child, unearthing rocks and breaking them open hoping to find gems. I would dig through the dirt, pretending to be an archaeologist looking for lost cities and treasures. We had a garden where I would help my mother harvest lettuce, cucumbers, eggplants and tomatoes. Fortunately I didn't have to leave my property to experience the beauty and wonder of nature. These experiences left…

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What does the toad say?

[gallery type="circle" ids="532,531,529"] By Claire Morgan, Volunteer and Garden Coordinator, Gift Shop Manager Pretty soon, we’ll be hearing a lot of what the toad says!  In early to mid- March we will start to hear the sound of the American Toad, Bufo Americanus, with its high pitched trill calling for a mate, as they do each spring.  Here in Roxborough, at the Schuylkill Center, we’ll be watching and listening during those early spring evenings.  When the evening temperature rises to 50 degrees and the ground is moist, the American Toads start to make their journey out of the woods of…

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Below is the information about our upcoming conference, a large part of this planning project. Online registration is available here! Beyond the Surface: Environmental Art in Action Hosted by the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education May 31, 2013 [caption id="attachment_803" align="alignleft" width="260"] Stacy Levy, Pier 53[/caption] Join us for a day of ideas and innovative thinking, investigating relationships between art and nature.     Conference Description How can environmental art engage the environment and the individual, activate awareness, and integrate perspectives that result in unexpected and innovative approaches to environmental literacy? While the natural world has captured the imagination of artists for…

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Time Frames

by Sam Bower 2013 Standing in the woods near the pond at the Schuylkill Center, we can look out and see a range of time scales. The brown and golden leaves under our feet from the Fall- the leftovers of a year's work by the trees above us. Perhaps there's snow still on the ground from a recent storm, itself the result of the vast cycles of evaporation off the ground and from lakes and oceans into the atmosphere and clouds and back down again. Some of the trees around us are decades, maybe hundreds of years old. Frogs and…

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‘Facts and Fables: Stories of the Natural World’ Art Exhibit Explores Our Experiences with Nature

[caption id="attachment_43" align="alignleft" width="300"] Opening Reception: June 25th 4pm-7pm[/caption] "In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught. " - Baba Dioum    Stories normalize the strange and explain the confounding. Our relationship with the environment is in a state of constant flux, and as an environmental education center, we are always updating how and what we teach about the natural world.  As our ways of seeing the world develop, the stories we believe in evolve and expand. Our relationship to our stories is tenuous,…

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