Tag: Observations

Four sounds from early May

By Anna Lehr Mueser, Public Relations Manager This week the forests and fields are alive with sounds, all manner of animals calling out and leafy trees rustling in the breeze.  This is also the time of year when our Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic is brimming with baby animals of all sorts. So, here are four samples of what May sounds like at the Schuylkill Center. Toads, singing in afternoon sunlight.  A basin in this field fills with water most of the year, creating a nice habitat for toads and other amphibians.  Around the field and basin are vines, grasses, and flowering trees. [audio m4a="http://www.schuylkillcenter.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Toads-and-birds-singing-May-1.m4a" preload="auto"][/audio]  …

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First blooming

By Anna Lehr Mueser I walk through the forest in the afternoon, listening to the rustle of a light breeze in the treetops and the distant hum of the city, reminding me that I am both immersed in the forest, and still in the city of Philadelphia.  At this time of year, I love to watch the woods transform from their winter quiet to the stampede of color and growth that is springtime.  This time last year, it seemed everything was blooming, but today, just the first green things, the first buds, the first butterflies, appear.  The long winter has…

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