Tag: science

Terranean drama

By LandLab Resident Artist Jake Beckman Spring is just around the corner and with its arrival comes the fragrant, earthy smells of thawing soil.  As my residency investigating the myriad aspects of soil formation at the Schuylkill Center enters its final phases, I ‘m finding myself reflecting on the terranean dramas that will begin unfolding in earnest as the temperatures rise. The rock cliffs on the southern border of the property will shed their icy tentacles, exposing to sun and rain new fissures pried apart during the winter months.  After a long winter of freezing and thawing, boulders will have…

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Talking with Jake Beckman about LandLab

 By Guest Contributor Angel R. Graham I had the pleasure of speaking with LandLab artist Jake Beckman over the telephone recently.  Jake explained that he is enjoying being a LandLab artist.  His LandLab experience allows him to engage himself more with the outdoors, he says, conning him more deeply to the land. [pullquote]Science and art are really similar in a lot of ways.  You have to imagine the unknown.[/pullquote]A.G: What inspires your indoor/outdoor art pieces? J.B: I think the thread that ties most of them together is an interest in how things work.  What are the processes that cause things to come…

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