Tag: Toad Detour

Toadlet Time!

San Juan Capistrano might have its famous return of migrating swallows and turkey vultures might return to roost every Ides of March in Hinckley, Ohio, but neither town has anything over Roxborough. For Roxborough has the annual return of American toads. And the toad’s life cycle hit a big milestone last week. Each spring, thousands of hibernating toads awaken from their hibernating places deep under the Center’s forest leaf litter. When they do, they want to move to water, as their instinctual pull is to mate right away, and toads, residents of the forest during summer and fall, lay eggs…

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Four sounds from early May

By Anna Lehr Mueser, Public Relations Manager This week the forests and fields are alive with sounds, all manner of animals calling out and leafy trees rustling in the breeze.  This is also the time of year when our Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic is brimming with baby animals of all sorts. So, here are four samples of what May sounds like at the Schuylkill Center. Toads, singing in afternoon sunlight.  A basin in this field fills with water most of the year, creating a nice habitat for toads and other amphibians.  Around the field and basin are vines, grasses, and flowering trees. [audio m4a="http://www.schuylkillcenter.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Toads-and-birds-singing-May-1.m4a" preload="auto"][/audio]  …

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What does the toad say?

[gallery type="circle" ids="532,531,529"] By Claire Morgan, Volunteer and Garden Coordinator, Gift Shop Manager Pretty soon, we’ll be hearing a lot of what the toad says!  In early to mid- March we will start to hear the sound of the American Toad, Bufo Americanus, with its high pitched trill calling for a mate, as they do each spring.  Here in Roxborough, at the Schuylkill Center, we’ll be watching and listening during those early spring evenings.  When the evening temperature rises to 50 degrees and the ground is moist, the American Toads start to make their journey out of the woods of…

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