Tag: turkey

Wild Turkeys: The Truth Behind the Bird

By Mike Weilbacher, Executive Director On Thursday, Americans of all shapes, sizes and colors gather around tables overflowing with colorful cornucopias of food.  And whether that table includes cranberry sauce or couscous, tortellini or tortillas, the centerpiece of the meal is likely that quintessential American bird, the turkey. Consider that turkey, one of our biggest natural neighbors.  Likely one of your holiday plates includes an image of the tom turkey, chest all puffed out, strutting its stuff.  That's not how turkeys appear in November.  Sleeker, thinner, turkeys are now forming winter single-sex flocks, a tom and its brothers joining a…

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Wild Turkeys: Of Wingmen and Bands of Brothers

By Mike Weilbacher   [caption id="attachment_248" align="alignleft" width="300"] A strutting tom and his band of brothers courting a hen.[/caption] On Thanksgiving Day, we’ll gather around tables overflowing with food and stuff ourselves silly.  And while every family has its own unique take on the traditional meal, in most homes a big turkey anchors the feast, the centerpiece of the table. While a lot of us might remember that Ben Franklin favored the turkey as the national symbol, what else do we know about turkeys?  Not much, right?  So here are some turkey facts to gobble up alongside your meal. In…

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