The Schuylkill Center is expanding its programming for adults, and we need the help of our members and friends!

We want to get the word out–the Center is an amazing, relaxing, and informative place for adults too.

What better way to do that, than through the voices of those who know us best?

So, what are we asking? Send in a quick video testimonial clip telling us why you love the Schuylkill Center.+  In return, we’ll give you admission to an event of your choice,* and send you a freshly printed Schuylkill Center bumper sticker.  Your voice, for the event of your choice!

Don’t have the time to record a video? We can still use your help! Upload a picture of you at the Schuylkill Center to Facebook or Twitter and tag us. We would love to send you a sticker as well!

Thanks in advance for all your help,

The Schuylkill Center Team


+Videos can be sent via Facebook, Twitter or Email.

*Admission to events under $50, as space allows, for the first 10 videos received